The New Member Mixer is by invitation only for first-time Convention attendees. The purpose of this event is to have some fun, break the ice, and give you a chance to meet others who are new—just like you!

It’s a no-pressure way to introduce yourself. We will play some games, enjoy snacks, have fun, win prizes, and get to know each other. At 6 PM, we’ll go to the Exhibit Hall for a private tour before it opens to the general membership.

Look out for an invite in your Convention welcome packet!

Join the fun! We’ll have multiple tables set up with goodies to take and a variety of topics for you to rotate through. At each table, you will have a unique opportunity to come together with fellow attendees and engage in an open and collaborative dialogue. This style of discussion promotes active listening and encourages participants to share diverse perspectives and ideas.

Join the Mayco family to celebrate 70 Years of America's Finest Colors! Pop in for apps, drinks, and time to connect. Plus, we'll announce the location for Pottery Camp 2025! Cheers!

Our goal with this Meet Up is to allow PYOP studio managers and staff at all levels a chance to connect with others in their shoes. Running a PYOP studio comes with all sorts of unique opportunities and challenges, but one of the best parts of our industry is that everyone is so friendly and willing to help! We hope you use this opportunity to network and collaborate with your colleagues.
This event will be informal, but loosely structured. The focus will be connecting at Round Tables based on management topics. Tentative topics will be listed below.

Feel free to BYOB and be prepared to make a new friend!

Location: Rooms 104/105
Friday, September 6th
Time: 8:00 PM - 9:30 PM

Who: This meet up is intended for managers + staff, however owners and owner/managers are still welcome to attend! Owners will have a table to network at and discuss relevant topics separately.

Please share and complete one RSVP form per attendee.
We will have the room for about 90 minutes-- you are welcome to stay as long or as little as you like.

Questions? Feel free to reach out!
Maegan Supple, Owner -
Kaelyn Bucy, Manager

Bring along your creatively designed buttons and swap them with fellow attendees at the 2024 Convention. It's a fantastic way to showcase your unique style, connect with others, and expand your collection.

Button designs can be your company logo, a fun saying, or a creative sketch! Don't miss out on this exciting opportunity to add new flair to your lanyard. Be sure to visit the CCSA booth to exchange buttons with a CCSA team member!

Use this link to get $10 credit on your first order with Sticker Mule!(Must create a new account to get credit) Click Here